Regarding Design Submission to National Reconstruction Authority (NRA)

September 07, 2017

Regarding Design Submission to National Reconstruction Authority (NRA)

Meeting of SONA Executives with NRA CEO- Dr. Govinda Raj Pokharel



We had a very fruitful meeting with the NRA chief Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Pokhrel initiated by Ar. Susan Vaidya (chairperson SONA Committee for Young Architects).


With constraints and pressure on the Beurocracy as is where is, he has agreed to extend the time-frame for submissions of Architectural design proposals by 5 more days for rural reconstruction modules.His main concern was on the aesthetic value of the design to ensure that our rural ethnicity is not disturbed as it is the mainstream in supporting the tourism industry. A good and practical solution for roofing as a better option to the CGI Sheets is mandatory in all upcoming proposals, stressing on the use of indigenous local material.
So, with reference to the meeting, SONA Sub-Committee on Professional Practice(SSCPP) and SONA Sub-Committee on Social Responsibility(SCSR) would like to call upon all SONA members to send in their proposals with the cost estimate within the limits of NPR. Four Hundred Thousand (NPR. 4,00,000). The design credit for approved designs has been confirmed at this initial stage.
This is an opportunity for our professionals to contribute to the best of their ability to minimize the steel and concrete haphazard use that is going on in the villages. We need to contribute with full dedication to leave a mark and to manifest our professional strength to the society at large.
Mandatory requirements:
     – The participant has to be a SONA member.
     – The participant has to be registered with Nepal Engineering Council (NEC).
     – All proposals have to be submitted to SONA office by 12 noon, 14th Magh,          2073(26th Jan, 2017).
     – 1 set of hardcopy in A3 size to be submitted to SONA office.
SONA  Co-ordination sub-committee (NRA)
     – Ar. Anju Malla Pradhan
     – Ar. Binaya R. Shrestha
     – Ar. Arjun Basnet
     – Ar. Suraj Khanal